Desert Crisis FGD ------------------ Sections: 1) Custom Spawn Points 2) Vehicles ======================================== 1. Custom Spawn Points Included in this FGD are three custom spawn points. These are: 1) info_player_usa - USA's spawn point. 2) info_player_upko - UP-KO's spawn point. 3) info_player_sotd - SotD's spawn point. To use these, simply place the correct entity where you want that specific team to spawn (make sure you place enough spawm points). Also, use the entity info_player_start to specify where a person starts before they pick a team. ================================== 2. How to Implement Drivable Vehicles By Jason Gripp 5/7/2000 Included in this package is a WorldCraft FGD file which contains the definitions for the three new entities: func_vehicle, func_wheel, and func_fence. One must install this FDG to be able to use the vehicles. Steps: 1) Install the cars.FGD 2) Create a vehicle and its four wheels in the map (Note: there must be FOUR wheels) The vehicle must be facing east in the XZ plane. 3) Place an origin brush at the center of each wheel and at the midpoint between the rear wheels of the vehicle. 4) Group the wheels with their corasponding origin brushes and make them each seperate func_wheels. 5) Group the vehicle to its origin brush. It should be positioned between the rear wheels. Make it a func_vehicle. 6) Name the vehicle 7) Link the wheels to the vehicle occording to their position (See chart). Assure their target matches the name of the vehicle. WheelTypes: Driver-side front = 0 Passenger-side front = 1 Driver-side rear = 2 Passenger-side rear = 3 The walls only need to be tall enough to block the lowest part of the vehicle, not including the wheels. They can be set to be invisible if need be. Also, the fences do not need to be perfecly continuos, as long as there are not gaps big enough for the vehicle to fit through. 8) Place walls of func_fence to mark the perimeter of the vehicles travel area. Without these, the vehicle will not know where to stop and will simply drive through any walls that are not func_fence. (func_door may also stop the vehicle) 9) Have fun driving it around. You can look at the example map testarea.BSP to see how to implement the vehicles correctly. If you have any question e-mail ================================================= Copyright 1999-2000 Desert Crisis (c)